When to use ‘when’ and ‘if’

NotIfButWhenSignThe difference between the use of ‘when’ and ‘if’ appears to be difficult for Dutch students, because in Dutch these words can both mean ‘als’.  In English they can be distinguished, because they are used in different situations but their grammatical context is similar.


If is used for conditions in which something may or may not happen in the future depending on the circumstances. It can introduce a conditional clause:

If + present simple tense is followed by the main clause with ‘will’.
e.g. If I take a taxi I will catch the train

The main clause can also precede the if clause
e.g. It’s raining. We’ll get wet if we go out. (not: if we will go)

In the if clause the present tense is used to express the future


When is used for things which are relatively sure to happen:
e.g. When I get the information I will send it to you ( I know I will get the information)
When + present simple tense is followed by the main clause with ‘will’.

The main clause can also precede the when clause:
e.g. I’ll send you a postcard when I’m on holiday.

Conclusion: when and if are used with similar grammatical structures, but have a different meaning.


Example: If it rains this evening, I won’t go out.
1) I’m going to Paris next week. … I’m there, I hope to visit a friend of mine.
2) Tom might phone this evening. … he does, can you take a message?
3) I think he’ll get the job. I’ll be very surprised … he doesn’t get it.
4) I hope to be there by 10.30. But … I’m not there, don’t wait for me.
5) I’m going shopping. … you want anything, I can get it for you.
6) I think I’ll go home now. I’m feeling very tired. I think I’ll go straight to bed … I get home.
7) I’m going away for a few days. I’ll phone you … I get back.
8) I want you to come to the party but … you don’t want to come, you needn’t.

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