Dutch for beginners

Basic training course in Dutch as a foreign language
  • Conduct simple conversations in Dutch
  • Learn the basics of the Dutch language
  • Gain more insight into Dutch culture
  • Geared towards expats in the Netherlands
  • Incompany or at one of our locations
  • Individual or with a group of colleagues

Taaltraining Dutch for beginners

Klik voor Nederlands
Click for Dutch for the Advanced

When you come to work in the Netherlands as an expat, it’s handy to be able to speak the language. Although it’s not always necessary on the work-floor, it does help you get to know your colleagues or neighbours. To integrate well and actively participate in a (predominantly) Dutch team, you also need to know something about Dutch (work) culture.

After completing this training course, participants will be able to conduct simple conversations about familiar topics and will have gained more insight into Dutch culture.

Dutch for beginners: course content

We have been helping our clients to work and do business in an international environment for more than 45 years. Our approach has always been tailor-made training. We strive to ensure that you learn what is relevant to your specific situation. You get the most out of a training course if it is adapted to your own level, wishes and goals.

The Dutch training course programme depends upon your personal situation. Your field, position and sector play an important role here, as does your current language level.

More than a language institute

To further assist expats in the Netherlands with their integration, we also devote attention to Dutch (work) culture, in conjunction with our partner Akteos. Having some insight into someone’s cultural background is necessary in order to fully understand them. Look at the possibilities in Language training Plus.


taal- en cultuurtrainer voor zakelijk succes
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