Taaltest Financieel Engels

Met behulp van deze taaltest kunt u geheel vrijblijvend uw taalniveau testen. U krijgt hiermee een goede eerste indicatie van uw taalkennis! De test bestaat uit 15 meerkeuze vragen en neemt hooguit een paar minuten in beslag. U start de taaltest door op de startbutton te klikken.

Succes met het beantwoorden van de vragen.

“The latest figures suggest that the business is viable.” Viable means that...

“There are financial caveats for any business plan.” When you consider the caveats you...

When analysts state that share prices are plummeting, they mean that...

“We need a stopgap measure.” Stopgap means that...

Which of the following statements is correct?

Which preposition used here is most often used with offset?

In accounting, amortisation is when you...

Which of the following statements is correct?

A bull market is a...

“We will need to make provisions.” In accounting terms this would mean...

One example of a kickback is...

“Tame targets may stifle growth.” This means that these targets...

“There has been a proliferation in the number of funds.” This means that...

Which response would be considered the most careful one during negotiations?

When someone says, “The onus is on you to make it work”. It means that...

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