Taaltest Engels voor secretaresses

Met behulp van deze taaltest kunt u geheel vrijblijvend uw taalniveau testen. U krijgt hiermee een goede eerste indicatie van uw taalkennis! De test bestaat uit 15 meerkeuze vragen en neemt hooguit een paar minuten in beslag. U start de taaltest door op de startbutton te klikken.

Succes met het beantwoorden van de vragen.

Vraag 1: A first time visitor to your office introduces himself as John Brown. How do you respond?

Vraag 2: On the phone: Your caller has a long name and speaks very fast. What do you do to get the details right?

Vraag 3: You have to organise lunch for a group of French Executives. What do you provide and where?

Vraag 4: In your e-mail to the post office you refer to a shipment from the US as to:

Vraag 5: When writing a letter to a new client you start with ‘Dear Sir / Madam’. Your closing will be:

Vraag 6: In your letter you refer to the client’s appointment with your manager Mr Donker on January 26th as follows:

Vraag 7: You send an e-mail to your business group in China. You ask them to confirm a date for video-conferencing:

Vraag 8: The Managing Director asks you in an e-mail to send him the minutes of a meeting. You reply:

Vraag 9: A customer has asked for some information in writing. The accompanying note says:

Vraag 10: Complaints are dealt with by you, so you encourage colleagues to address them to you:

Vraag 11: In a meeting with colleagues from abroad you introduce yourself. What do you say?

Vraag 12: At an office party you talk to several business partners from abroad. Not all your social talk is going down well. Choose the correct sentence:

Vraag 13: Apologising for the catering you say to a visitor:

Vraag 14: A colleague is trying to phone your manager. He cannot get through, you answer the phone. What do you say?

Vraag 15: On the phone: you end the conversation with a client:

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