Taaltest Engels voor Sales

Met behulp van deze taaltest kunt u geheel vrijblijvend uw taalniveau testen. U krijgt hiermee een goede eerste indicatie van uw taalkennis! De test bestaat uit 15 meerkeuze vragen en neemt hooguit een paar minuten in beslag. U start de taaltest door op de startbutton te klikken.

Succes met het beantwoorden van de vragen.

Vraag 1: How do you introduce yourself when visiting a new client for the first time?

Vraag 2: The new product launch: You send out invitations for a product demonstration. How do you start your letter to customers and retailers?

Vraag 3: You have to give a presentation to a group of building contractors about the solar heating system you sell. How do you start your presentation?

Vraag 4: A customer has asked for some information in writing. You send it with a short note:

Vraag 5: Complaints will be dealt with by you, so you encourage suppliers to address them to you:

Vraag 6: In a meeting with colleagues from abroad you introduce yourself. What do you say?

Vraag 7: At an office party you are talking to some foreign business partners. Not all your social talk is going down well. Choose the correct sentence:

Vraag 8: The deadline for sending details on a range of products is nearly there. What do you say to the marketing manager?

Vraag 9: A client wants to do business and is negotiating a discount. What do you say to him?

Vraag 10: You are busy negotiating the price of a new machine. You think the discount your customer wants is outrageous. What is your reaction?

Vraag 11: Kies de juiste manier om uw brief te beginnen:

Vraag 12: You end a telephone conversation with a new customer :

Vraag 13: You want to make suggestions during a sales meeting with retailers. What do you say?

Vraag 14: Your negotiating partner is making a suggestion. You have some reservations. What do you say?

Vraag 15: At the end of your visit to a prospective customer you shake hands and say:

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